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The digital assistant aleno helps restaurant groups and system catering chains throughout Europe to increase their guest numbers, increase sales and simplify processes.
For restaurant groups

All locations, guests, sales on one glance

All locations, guests, sales on one glance

For restaurant groups

The digital assistant aleno helps restaurant groups and system catering chains throughout Europe to increase their guest numbers, increase sales and simplify processes.
logo-losteria-neu logo-bindella-neu logo-peter-pane-neu logo-purino-neu logo-twospice-neu logo-peclard

The Digital Assistant optimizes capacity utilization for you, increases figures and sales, freeing your team of administrative tasks. It also provides cross-location analyses for profitable optimizations and a variety of positive group effects.

15 %

higher capacity utilization

Since the introduction of aleno's automatic table allocation, L'Osteria Group restaurants have seated over 15% more guests.

7 h

Time savings PER WEEK

Fantastico - L'Osteria saves 7 hours of administration per week and outlet with aleno.

10 %

More guests

Great - L'Osteria with aleno was also able to increase the number of reservations by 10% at the weekend.

Strengthen the visibility of your restaurants on all online channels and attract guests as regulars.

Pre-Stay: Winning guests

Increase the online visibility of your businesses and the number of direct bookings.

Strengthen the brand of your catering business by designing all communication with guests in your CI and own tone of voice. Let guests book through your website, Google, Instagram, Facebook and many other platforms - 24/7 of course.

Automate administrative routines with the aleno digital assistant and improve personalised service for your guests.

On-Stay: More guests, less work

Finally time again for what really counts: Unforgettable experiences.

The digital assistant automates the entire reservation management process and even accepts telephone reservations. With pre-order and pre-payment functions, throughput times per guest can be reduced. Kitchen and service can plan even better - waiting times are significantly reduced. AI-based table allocation also guarantees the best possible capacity utilization in your establishments and guests can be checked in with just one click in seconds.

System catering: How to identify the best-selling guests and successfully practice upselling.

Post-Stay: Winning guests as regulars

Recognize and fulfill wishes.

With the Digital Assistant, you know who your top-selling guests are and what they particularly like about your offer. This allows you to further optimize your menu. Your service team has the right information for personalized service and successful upselling. The best prerequisites for making your business even more profitable.

The digital assistant equips system catering and restaurant groups with cross-location and cross-system information and AI-supported analyses.

Make the right decision

Your brand. Your guests. Your information.

aleno equips you with the cross-location and cross-system information and AI-supported analyses that enable you to sustainably increase sales and profits. All the information is yours. Just like the relationships with your guests. aleno works in the background and never makes an appearance. Except in the good feeling that happy guests are having a wonderful time at well-coordinated locations.

Increase the visibility of your restaurants on all channels and successfully promote culinary highlights.

Attract, inspire & retain guests

Relieve your employees and reduce your expenses through automated processes.

Automate, integrate, work more efficiently

Make economically sound business decisions based on clear data, across systems and supported by AI.

Increase profits,
manage growth


aleno helps us to optimize our restaurant reservations like no other tool before. This has enabled us to strengthen both the peak and off-peak times in the restaurants.

Franz Schickert, Operational Excellence, L'Osteria

Franz Schickert, who is responsible for operational excellence at L