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AI Table Allocation

Leave the
occupancy optimisation
to the digital assistant.

Leave the
occupancy optimisation
to the digital assistant.

AI Table Allocation


Manual table allocation is time-consuming and typically results in suboptimal outcomes, as different individuals have varying ideas of optimal utilization. The digital assistant changes that. With AI-based table allocation, guests are automatically assigned tables based on historical data, using a method that always ensures the best possible occupancy.


Maximum Table Occupancy

Every restaurant operates differently, and each restaurant has different ideas about optimal occupancy. Our AI-based table assignment system caters to each individual case. This way, the utilization and revenue per seat hour (RevPasH) can be continuously improved. 

VIPs and Guest Information

Guests can be tagged as VIPs or regulars in the CRM. Additionally, seating preferences can be stored for each individual guest. The automatic table assignment takes these into account, ensuring that individual preferences are compatible with occupancy optimization. And if there are any last-minute changes in seating preferences, the suggestions from the AI-based table assignment can be easily overwritten. 


Easy Check-in

The seating suggestion from the AI-based table assignment can be adopted with just one click. When the cash register is connected to the reservation system, check-in is only necessary in one of the two systems. Likewise, only one click is needed for check-out – the two systems synchronize automatically. Additionally, consumption data is transferred to the 360-degree guest profiles. 

Graphic Table Planner

With the graphic table planner, rooms with tables and seats can be designed within moments. Everything can be arranged as desired using drag and drop. This allows for flexible responses to events and special occasions. The automatic table assignment adapts to these new conditions and instantly responds to changed situations in the seating suggestions. 


Multiple Occupancy

Naturally, the automatic table assignment also works for double, triple, and multiple seatings. In these cases where reliable real-time data and experience are crucial, the AI-based table assignment plays all its cards and frees the service staff during stressful peak times. 


We have 40 seats in the restaurant. If a table isn't occupied in the evening, it's a huge problem for us. With aleno, however, we've been able to reduce our no-show rate to almost zero.

Stefan Heinemann,
Head Chef, Widder Restaurant, Zurich

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Warum braucht es eine No-Show-Vermeidung?


Funktioniert das auch mit meinem bestehenden Akquirer?


Wie kann ich VIPs und Stammgäste von der Kreditkartenabfrage ausnehmen?


Wie funktionieren provisorische Reservierungen?


Werden No-Show-Gebühren bei Nichterscheinen automatisch verrechnet?


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